Heavenly Father,
O God, Great Shepherd of the flock, lover of our souls, and friend of sinners, you lead your people like a rock. You are enthroned on high. In the darkness, let your glory shine through. Give us salvation, and let your face shine on all who know their desperate need of you.
For those who are depressed, downtrodden, oppressed, hurt, betrayed, saddened by those who are missing, those weighed down by sickness of mind or body, and those who have endured much tragedy and suffering, show your goodness. Regard with your tender compassion those suffering from anxiety, depression, mental illness, or any burden we have named. Bear their sorrows and their cares. Supply all their needs. Help them to put their whole trust and confidence in you, and restore them to strength of mind and cheerfulness of spirit. We lift some of these up to you silently and specifically by name now (…) Restore us, O LORD God of hosts! Let your face shine, that we may be saved!
We thank you, God, that you have come to Bethlehem and to the world in Jesus Christ our Lord. You know suffering with us, for you sent your Son to walk this earth, to be acquainted with grief, and to be the Savior who shepherds us through every difficulty. And now that you have made all the offerings and sacrifices that ever need be made for us to be your children, you continue to give gifts to us—gifts of ministers, servants, and those who labor for your Kingdom.
Bring renewal to our congregation here at Calvary Presbyterian Church. Bless us with a deeper love for you, for one another, and for the community where you have placed us. May we see growth not only in numbers but in faith, hope, and love.
We ask your blessing on the ministries of our denomination and our community. Guide the PCA’s Committee on Discipleship Ministries, and bless Stephen Estock as he serves. Strengthen Village Chapel Presbyterian Church in New Bern, and uphold their pastor, Norm Evans. Bless their ministry to shine the light of Christ in their community.
We lift up Tom Cox and the West Africa Reformed Mission in Sierra Leone. Use their ministry to proclaim the gospel and disciple believers. Provide for their needs and protect them in their work. We also pray for Reformed University Fellowship at Duke University, and Matt Mahla as he ministers to students. Let their witness draw hearts to Jesus during such formative years. Closer to home, bless Reconciliation Church in Knightdale and their pastor, Russell McCutcheon. May they bring the hope of Christ’s reconciliation to their neighbors and beyond.
As we prepare to celebrate Christ’s birth, help us to fix our eyes on him and not be distracted by the rush of the season. Fill our hearts with the joy of Christ and the peace that surpasses understanding. Let this joy overflow, drawing others to know the hope we have in Jesus. We pray for some of those we wish you do draw silently by name now (…)
Lord, as we wait for your promises to be fulfilled, fill us with hope and confidence in your unfailing love. Help us walk in faithfulness, reflecting the light of Christ to a world in need. Let our lives, our words, and our worship testify to the great things you have done for us in Christ. We silently pray for any spcific enouragements we think this congregation needs now (…)
All this we pray through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Savior, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. And we pray together as Jesus taught us:
“Our Father…”
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