Friday, August 9, 2019

A Prayer for the Holy Spirit's work in our Preaching

Holy Spirit, so kindle my soul with your gifts that I would ever decrease, but Jesus would increase. May my preaching always bring me low, but lift Jesus up, and by your grace and mercy, would you draw many to a true conversion. I may make a general call to sinners to come know the love of Jesus, but Holy Spirit if you don’t work, nothing will happen. Give my hearers ears to hear, minds to understand, and hearts to believe. Holy Spirit would YOU convince and convert people to Christ, please! Always keep my words true to God’s Word, build up Jesus’s Church for the glory of God. Work in my heart to be always satisfied with glorifying you, with your salvation and reward, and that may heart never look to the world for find its ultimate affirmation. (Forgive me all the ways I look to the world to affirm me, and seek my justification in places other than in Christ.) Holy Spirit, guard my lips, but also use them to glorify Jesus. I ask in Jesus’s name. Amen.