It's weird to think that all of creation was made by Jesus. And that now his glory is ever present in creation. In fact, Jesus is still creating, and we are a part of it.
If you don't know this, Christians, biblical Christians anyways, think that the world matters. We think that the physical is important. We think pain is real.
But what I really have a hard time wrapping my head around it the fact that everything that happens, in every place, Jesus is always there, and we can always be glorifying him.
It is hard to believe I could be glorifying Jesus if I were a janitor, or a mechanic. It's almost easier to believe I'm glorifying Jesus when I'm unemployed because then, at least, I can say all sorts of spiritual things about how Jesus is growing me through this time. He's teaching me to wait. That God is at work this. And, all that stuff is true, it's not like its a lie, or I don't believe it. In fact, I need to believe it. I'm just saying, it's weird to think about how much God cares about the incredibly orindary things in life.
God cares about everyday. About Everydayness. That's a good word. (Thank you, Eugene Peterson.)
So how do I remind myself every day about the glory of his creation? Why is it so easy to miss? But it was all made (and still is) so glorious.
God, I thank you that your creation is so glorious!! Please forgive me for how I often do not honor and appreciate you and the great glory of what you have created. God, Lord, would you help me begin to be aware of Jesus in the every day. Jesus entered in with humans 2000 years ago, he lived our life, in fact, lived a perfect life, so he could suffer and die on the cross for us. But now today, Jesus, you live and meet us in the everydayness of life. Would you help me have eyes to see you in the ordinary, and would you meet me every day in this life, in this story which you are writing? I ask this in your precious name. Amen.
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