Friday, June 17, 2011


I'm really starting to think a lot about Shalom. Especially thinking about, if Jesus is really at work, creating, in everything, in the smallest thing, and we're called to always be Shalom bringers. Yikes, like, I just can't wrap my head around it, and I definitely can't capture it all in 5 minutes of blogging.

What really got me is when I started thinking about, we're called to be building the Kingdom in EVERYTHING, even my broken alternator that I'm replacing, is a chance for bringing Shalom. It's a ministry opportunity. It's so hard to see everything, even a broken alternator in a car, as a chance to bringing the Shalom of Jesus Christ into the world. But that's how big Jesus is, and that's how small a level he is working at.

I need to develop this sort of ministry mind set.

Lord God,
You've called me, and I thank you. You have brought and are bringing true peace, shalom, into my life, by freeing me from sin, forgiving me from sin, but also healing my pain. And now you've called me to be doing that, freeing the world from sin and healing pain, in everything. And I do not do well at seeing those opportunities, I don't do well at looking for those things. Teach me. Teach me, Lord. This is a paradigm changing idea about life, and about ministry. Lord, WHEREVER I have wrong paradigms, would you change them, would you give a teachable heart that's ready and willing to learn and be changed, by you, especially through other people. Lord, help me to bring Shalom. And help me remember that it's never me bringing Shalom. All the glory goes to you. Help me remember that for I often forget. Use me, Lord, to bring shalom in this world, help me see those opportunities in every moment, in the most "unspiritual" things, help me see you at work. I ask this with a willing and thankful heart that could only have been a gift from you, and in your Son's giving name. Amen.

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