Saturday, November 2, 2019

PASTORAL PRAYER NOV 3, 2019 Based on Psalm 23, 2 Samuel 7, Romans 8:1-11, Luke 12:8–12 and BCP1979

O LORD our shepherd, we thank you that in the midst of our chaos and uncertainties, we can know that you have an eternal purpose that cannot be thwarted for those who abide in Christ. We thank you that it’s not we who lead ourselves, but you who lead us beside still water, make us to lie down in green pastures, restore our souls, you who leads us in the paths of righteousness for your name’s sake. We are also very glad that though we often walk in the valley of the shadow of darkness and doom, wondering what is to come, we need fear no evil for you are truly with us, your rod and staff do comfort us. We lift up to you now many places where the darkness seems to be creeping in. [Pause]
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever. For those who trust, we believe, help our unbelief. For those who don’t, show yourself to them, draw them to Christ, and give them the comfort and assurance of salvation that let’s us know that while we may face incredible darkness in this life, there is a sure hope in the resurrection to come.
Father, as the weather turns cold this fall moving into winter, we can’t help but think of many who are homeless, even in our city. Sometimes of their own making, sometimes not, those made in your image suffer, they have no food, no warm house, and we can only do so much to help so few people. Lord, I know you’ve said the poor we will always have with us, but we long for the day when all poverty will end. This winter, be with those homeless, use this church to provide what you will to help those we can. Also bless the many organizations that seek to help people put their lives back together, feed and house people: Project 66, Restore OKC, the Salvation Army, CityCare, the Red Andrew’s dinner, other churches that are well resourced, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and plenty of other organizations that you use to provide relief for the poor and suffering, the cold and hungry. We also ask you where you to lead us to places you are calling us to provide relief, what are ways can serve and bring provision and share the gospel? [Pause]
We also lift up to you Christian marriages. Especially in this church, there are strong marriages and struggling marriages. We ask you to heal brokenness, connect wounded hearts, restore trust, bring repentance. Use those strong marriages to encourage the weak marriages. Marriage is a glorious picture of your gospel, but in our broken world, it nonetheless often does not show all that it should. Protect our marriages. Comfort those who are single but long for marriage. Let those who are content in singleness remain so and not feel ashamed. We lift up to your our marriages, and other marriages we know of now. [Pause]
We ask you to work in us, Holy Spirit, that we may be more and more assured of our glorious inheritance in Christ and the forgiveness of our sins, and in seeing your grand generosity to us, you would move us in heart and body to be about glorifying your name with all that we would do. There are places where we’re not sure what you’re calling us to do, but we trust you to guide us to do what will please you. We lift up to you the places we need guidance now. [Pause]
Almighty and merciful God, it is only by your gift that your faithful people offer you true and commendable service: Grant that we may run without stumbling to obtain your heavenly promises; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

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